IT sourcing has a long track record for underperforming economically and operationally. Our experience finds the majority of outsourcing deals, even two years out, are considered a disappointment by both the buyer and seller – failing to deliver the economic benefits, innovation, operational outcomes, service provider margins, and trusted relationships that both sides need for a successful partnership. In other words, outsourcing is broken.


Traditional outsourcing is still broken in many organizations and a high barrier to improved performance. Partnerships tend to be lopsided and focused on activities versus allowing the technical partner to bring new expertise to achieve the client’s desired outcomes.

Note these typical complaints from both sides:

Client complaints

Lack of innovation and capabilities

  • 34% site lack of innovation or continuous service-level improvements

  • 24% site inflexible engagement models limiting ability to respond to dynamic business changes

Lower than expected outcomes

  • 53% site lower than expected cost savings

  • 28% site insufficient technical skills & expertise

Service provider complaints

Clients not ready to operate

  • 45% find client vendor management and process are too immature

  • 32% are challenged by lack of client understanding of outcomes-based contracts

Focus is not clear

  • 9% cite lower than expected cost savings for clients

  • A disproportionate focus on cost versus valuable outcomes

Our high-performance SYNAPTIC Sourcing framework empowers Capto to support clients in sourcing the right technology and services. In leveraging and commercializing the best academic research, coupled with our extensive experience dealing with real-world scenarios, Capto’s disciplined, comprehensive approach to sourcing spurs innovation and accelerates positive results.

The result:

Two years out
68% of outsourcing deals are seen as failures

by buyer AND service provider.

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Economic uncertainty has created the imperative in many enterprises to shed costs - quickly.  IT and BPO service provider relationships represent an opportunity for meaningful savings.  Tinkering around the edges by seeking pricing concessions from service providers to lower costs for existing services will prove only moderately successful over the near term and will ultimately result in declining provider performance in the long term.

More importantly, it is a missed opportunity to optimize and strengthen an established partnership. 

In contrast, restructuring your service provider relationships provides an opportunity to address cost reduction priorities while simultaneously positioning your business to take advantage of opportunities for future growth and change.

The benefits of restructuring existing service provider agreements are threefold.

  1. There is the possibility of immediate cost takeout.

  2. Restructuring relationships can be done with the goal of increasing productivity, which will ultimately drive costs down over the medium to long term.

  3. By creating more flexible and dynamic agreements, your enterprise will be better able to adapt to changing market conditions.

Opportunities for Immediate Cost Takeout

Reconstructing Your Service Provider Contract to Drive Greater Value

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Collaborative solutions to drive innovation in solution development

Adaptive deal structures driven from innovation during selection

Value and
incentive-driven partnerships

Templates and tools focusing on strategy, service delivery and economics

support post-transaction

Progressive, outcomes-based deals



Read how Capto shifts the relationship between client and service provider to a true collaborative partnership, with shared goals for measurable outcomes.